Now you can convert your GIF into Telegram Custom Emojis ready to be uploaded within seconds. Click on the "Click to upload image" button and select the GIF file you want to convert.
Select the conversion option you prefer. You can either convert one GIF into one Emoji or generate a Emoji Grid with up to 25 emojis. Here is a grid example.
Your file need to be in the same size as what Telegram requires, emojis must be exactly 100x100 pixels. The converter will make sure that it meet the rest of the requirements. If you want to make a emoji grid your GIF must be in the same size as the number of emojis you want to generate. If you want to make a 3x3 grid for example, your GIF must be exactly 300x300px.
Click the "Convert" button to start the conversion process.
Wait for the conversion to complete. A loading spinner will appear during this time. It usually take a few seconds.
Once done, a link will appear to download your converted file. Now you can upload your emojis using the Stickers Bot.